Quick Start
🚀 useRequest
With a strong ability to manage network requests, Hook has a flying experience
Through the plug-in organization code, the core code is easy to understand, and can be easily expanded to more advanced functions. Capacity is now available to include
- Automatic/manual request
- Polling
- Debounce
- Throttle
- Refresh on window focus
- Error retry
- Loading delay
- SWR(stale-while-revalidate)
- Caching
- InfiniteScroll
- Fetchs
- Plugins
Default request
By default, the first parameter of useRequest
is an asynchronous function, which is automatically executed when the component is initialized. At the same time, it automatically manages the status of loading
, data
, error
of the asynchronous function.
const { data, error, loading } = useRequest(service)
const { data, error, loading } = useRequest(service)